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06/01/16(月) 01:00:14 投稿者[login_denied ] [No.3572]のスレッド内
【No.3572】 タイトル[Broken Linkstation HG-LAN 300] この記事がスレッドの最初です

I hope my post will happen correctly. Sorry for writing in english, but I dont speak your language. Sorry for this inconvienient. I tried now for month to follow your posts in this forum using different translation tools.

I've broken my Linkstation flashing the original Firmware. The LED blinking code shows flash corruption. I tried to recover the Linkstation using the Jtag interface, so I populated the missing components. For instance I used Visionprobe from Windriver, but flashing of Firmware fails, everytime I read back the flash content, all is "00h", so writing into flash is fauiling through jtag. Now I'm looking for a cheap wiggler interface and want to use the jtag tools.

Can someone of this forum suggest me a wiggler interface which was succesfully used (schematics?)? I believe that the jtag tools need to be patched, right? Can someone provide me the patched sourcecode to enable me building the binaries?

I'm also looking for the address range of the RAM/Memory, but could not figure it out yet.

Any information will be really appreciated.
Thanks it advance for taking time,



06/01/16(月) 23:57:15 投稿者[nasu] [No.3572]のスレッド内
【No.3577】 タイトル[Re: Broken Linkstation HG-LAN 300] 【No.3572】に対する返信

I've not use Jtag, but this site has some good articles. I'll try to show you them.

Did you read articles in threads No.2417 & 2510 ?
Especially No.2422?

Check your flash. If your flash is MBM29PL32TM or some,
then No.2422 article must show you full procedure of writing flash.
But if your flash is another one, you may get verify error and have to chage your source. [like No.2538, or No.2932&2933]
In these case, datasheet of the memory chip may be the only help for you ...

There are some tips posted here and there, summerys are below.
Please check them before compiling and installing ;

1)Use Debian sarge, (because "autopoint" is needed ;not available in woody)

2)how to get "jtag" and "include" of openwince project
(Do NOT use jtag-0.5.1 ! Please get latest version through CVS like below.)
cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/openwince login
cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/openwince co -P jtag
cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/openwince co -P include

3)Swich on HD-HGLAN with pushing reset button.
( to avoid auto-swich-off by WDT of AVR. [in No.2436])

4)Some libs seems needed like libc6/libreadline4, but can't find fully info.
[in No.2426]

5)Need some util. (automake1.6, or some?)

6)If you read only "00h", Not useing "tag> detectflash 0xFFC00000" before "readmem" may help you. [in No.2524]

7)pictures are here;
(But I hear that pin-sequance in this page is wrong. Please check data-sheet of Motorola)

Good luck.

06/01/17(火) 05:37:18 投稿者[login_denied] [No.3572]のスレッド内
【No.3582】 タイトル[Re: Broken Linkstation HG-LAN 300] 【No.3577】に対する返信
Hi nasu

Thanks for answering. I'll try to follow your instructions.
First I also need to order some components to build the JTAG cable.
Until now I did not use the JTAG tools, I used another comercial tool
that someone made me available for some days.

I'll try to post this weekend about the flash located on the board when I finsihes going through the posts you suggested me.

Thank you very much!


>I've not use Jtag, but this site has some good articles. I'll try to show you them.
>Did you read articles in threads No.2417 & 2510 ?
>Especially No.2422?
>Check your flash. If your flash is MBM29PL32TM or some,
>then No.2422 article must show you full procedure of writing flash.
>But if your flash is another one, you may get verify error and have to chage your source. [like No.2538, or No.2932&2933]
>In these case, datasheet of the memory chip may be the only help for you ...
>There are some tips posted here and there, summerys are below.
>Please check them before compiling and installing ;
>1)Use Debian sarge, (because "autopoint" is needed ;not available in woody)
>2)how to get "jtag" and "include" of openwince project
>(Do NOT use jtag-0.5.1 ! Please get latest version through CVS like below.)
>cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/openwince login
>cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/openwince co -P jtag
>cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/openwince co -P include
>3)Swich on HD-HGLAN with pushing reset button.
> ( to avoid auto-swich-off by WDT of AVR. [in No.2436])
>4)Some libs seems needed like libc6/libreadline4, but can't find fully info.
> [in No.2426]
>5)Need some util. (automake1.6, or some?)
>6)If you read only "00h", Not useing "tag> detectflash 0xFFC00000" before "readmem" may help you. [in No.2524]
>7)pictures are here;
>(But I hear that pin-sequance in this page is wrong. Please check data-sheet of Motorola)
>Good luck.

06/07/10(月) 00:45:01 投稿者[かず~さん] [No.3572]のスレッド内
【No.3970】 タイトル[Re: 初代玄箱でPC-MV7DX/U2で新ドライバ その後] 【No.ujo_】に対する返信
1、/etc/init.d/pcastd stop 実行
 インストーラ実行(sh /tmp/hackderokku.sh)
 (例 mv /usr/local/PCast /usr/local/PCast.161)
 インストーラ実行(sh /tmp/hackderokku.sh)
 (例 mv /usr/local/PCast /usr/local/PCast.149)
 (例 cp -pr /usr/local/PCast.161 /usr/local/PCast)

06/01/18(水) 01:42:40 投稿者[nasu] [No.3572]のスレッド内
【No.3584】 タイトル[Re: Broken Linkstation HG-LAN 300] 【No.3582】に対する返信
Hi ld

>First I also need to order some components to build the JTAG cable.

Certainly. I guess you found the page below from No.2538 article.
And that article says you don't need pull-up registances around jtag.
(I think it is because that cable needs only TDI,TCK,TMS,TDO,GND.)

Another some info.
I found another web site about procedure of No.2422 + tips.

In this site, the auther says Vine linux(localize for Japanese user) and Cygwin environment can use for jtag tool.
And last artilcles of the page says No.13-pin of JTAG supplies 3.3V( it can use for the cable above, I think).

By the way, if you don't have serial console yet, it might help you for debugging in boot sequence.
(but I guess you have serial console already...?)

>I'll try to post this weekend about the flash located on the board when I finsihes going through the posts you suggested me.

Recovering flash must be one of the most difficult matter around kuro-box.
I hope you win this weekend game ;-).

